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(written with the support of Taryn Cooper, M.A.) The most important lesson a person will ever learn is how to communicate their needs in any given situation. Communication is a skill that is constantly being practiced, so keep in mind that there are no right or wrong ways to figuring out what works for you!…
The Spring 2023 semester has just wrapped up. Maybe you had a great semester; if so, congratulations! Maybe you had a less-than-great semester; if so, congratulations! Have I confused you? Let me explain. In addition to my role in the division of student success, I’m a mom. I read to my children all the time,…
Whether you are attending college for the first time or a returning student, there are numerous ways to prepare for college during the summer break. With all summer’s fun and joy, there should also be some proactive planning for your academic studies during this time. Follow these tips during the summer to prepare for the…
People sometimes ask us, or we ask ourselves, “WHY” are you doing “WHAT?”. For some, it is easy to identify “WHAT” we want to do. Some of you want to become lawyers, others want to become doctors, and some have no idea “WHAT” they want to do. Part of being in college is exploring your…
What’s up first-gen scholar! So, now that you are a few weeks into the spring semester, how are you feeling? Are you as excited and confident as you were when the semester started? Maybe you are experiencing some personal or academic challenges and may feel discouraged at times, but you are finding ways to persevere…
“Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Chances are, you may have heard this adage about how achieving large goals, making sustainable changes, or producing big outcomes do not happen overnight but rather with time. A lesser known, but I would argue, more important version of this saying, as expressed by James Clear, is: “Rome wasn’t…
Imagine this: You prepared weeks on end for a class presentation—you followed the grading rubric, convinced yourself that you were an expert in the subject matter, and even practiced a few times in front of family and friends to ensure that you were ready. When it’s finally time to showcase your presentation in class, you…
Final exams are around the corner. Are you ready? Do you have a strategy to help you in preparing for your finals? With the right approach, your exams can shift from a considerable weight on your shoulders to determining if you have accomplished the results highlighted in the course syllabus. The key to reducing your…
Imagine you are home skimming through TikTok and watching videos. Eventually, you’ve gone down the rabbit hole of “#DanceTok.” You call some friends to come over to learn the “Cuff It “challenge to hop on the new trend. Three hours into the practice, you hear the keys unlock your front door and immediately remember that…
Has the rush of excitement you felt when starting college turned into stress, fatigue, and lack of motivation? Are you worn out from writing papers, studying for exams, and preparing group projects? While some stress is to be expected in college, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of burnout, which left unaddressed,…