Rutgers-Camden Blog

Recognizing & Preventing Student Burnout in College

Has the rush of excitement you felt when starting college turned into stress, fatigue, and lack of motivation? Are you worn out from writing papers, studying for exams, and preparing group projects? While some stress is to be expected in college, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of burnout, which left unaddressed, can lead to serious health issues.

All students are vulnerable to burnout. According to the National College Health Assessment, 80% of college students reported feeling overwhelmed, while 40% said it was difficult to function. Burnout occurs when chronic stress extends for a period of time, creating feelings of apathy, fatigue, detachment, and lack of interest in academics. Burnout can lead to a drop in academic performance, loss of interest in social activities, increased anxiety and depression, and changes in appetite.

Review the common symptoms of burnout and do a quick inventory of your mental, emotional, and physical feelings to see if you exhibit any of these signs.

 How to Address Student Burnout

If you are showing signs of burnout, address it quickly. Take the necessary steps to feel better and end the semester successfully!

Additional Resources:
8 Ways to Cut Medical Student Burnout. The American Medical Association provides tips for managing burnout while studying medicine and healthcare.

Burned Out in College? Here’s How You Can Recover. The American Institute of Stress offers good advice for recovering from burnout.

How Online Students Can Beat Burnout. This interview with an American Public University professor highlights the unique challenges for online students regarding burnout and offers ideas for avoiding it.

How to Deal with Student Burnout. YouTube video looks at ways of taking care of burnout once identified.

Preventing Academic Burnout–The Art of Saying “No”. CollegiateParent provides this guide to parents of college students dealing with burnout.