Rutgers-Camden Blog

Finding Academic Success in College

Group of students studying together at a library

The start of any semester in college is always the busiest. From confirming course schedules and purchasing textbooks while juggling work commitments, family, and friends. Despite the constant juggling, it is important for college students to practice good academic habits that lead to academic success! Please follow these tips that will assist you on your road to academic success this semester:

Be Responsible: Remember – you alone are responsible for your academic achievement. Your professor serves as a guide, and your classmates may assist in your understanding of assignments; however, you are responsible for your success.

Be Disciplined: Take the time to study every day for at least two hours or until you understand your assignment—study to understand, not merely to get a particular grade.

Manage Your Time: Manage your time wisely to allow time for studying as well as your personal responsibilities. Remember, procrastination is a subtle thief that will steal your academic success.

Help Yourself, Then Ask for Help: If you cannot keep up in class, do all you can to help yourself improve your academic performance. (For example, increase your study time, form a study group, study with a partner, and use academic support services available via the Division of Student Academic Success.) If you continue to experience academic challenges, make an appointment with your instructors to discuss your academic performance.

Be Present and Prompt: Be present and on time for class. Good attendance will give you first-hand knowledge of your professor’s comments and responses to questions. Also, good attendance shows.