Rutgers-Camden Blog

Stress in College: What You Should Know

Student mental health is getting worse. True or false? It’s true! Despite an increase in mental health awareness in schools, on social media, and even in entertainment, student mental health continues to worsen. “A survey from virtual health services provider TimelyMD found 50% of college students identified their mental health struggles as their top stressor for 2023, and 71% of students surveyed indicated they struggle with issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression” (Inside Higher Education, 2023). Since the challenges of achieving academic success in college are not getting any easier, it makes sense to make self-care a top priority. But not only that. College students must also recognize the physical effects and the behavioral shifts that occur within their bodies when heightened levels of stress and burnout are consistently ignored. This blog will help! 

Our bodies are designed to withstand occasional mental and physical stress. However, if the stress remains unchecked, the consequences could result in headaches, allergies, acne, muscle tension, risk of cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, heart failure) and much more. Unchecked stress can also affect your behavioral health in which a regular behavior mutates into angry outbursts, overeating, undereating, social withdrawal, and excessive use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. Being able to recognize the changes in your health and shifts in your behavior are the keys to helping you manage them. Experts suggest:

Achieving academic success in college will always be challenging and stressful. However, making self-care a priority by incorporating the tips described above is a great way to persevere through the challenges and stress. Try them today!