Rutgers-Camden Blog

Tips for Self-Care


Practical advice for college students on self-care.

Self-care is a popular word these days. So, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear it? If you’d asked me years ago about self-care, I would have said words like time off, getting my hair done, or going to the spa. Today, self-care is so much more. According to Everyday Health, self-care means “taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your work, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day.” As a college student, your life is full of adjustments and expectations, as well as adventure and exploration. One way to achieve success is to make a habit of incorporating self-care practices along your college journey. Below are a few strategies you may want to try.

Make sleep a priority.
As a college student, you have so many things that can distract you from getting enough sleep. You have homework, campus events, community outreach, jobs, family, friends, and other components of your social life. All those things compete with the need to get a good night’s sleep, so you must make it a priority. If you do, you’ll see an increase in your clarity and overall performance.

Your body needs food to keep going. You must make sure you are planning time in your schedule to eat. If you struggling with getting to the cafeteria, pack a few snacks like fresh fruits, nuts, or granola bars in your bag so that you can grab them on the go.

Improve your time management
College is a huge adjustment! For the past 18 years, you’ve had someone to help with managing your time. Now that you’re in college, the responsibility falls on you to successfully manage your time. Start by using a planner or a calendar to record your appointments, study time, and assignments due, plus your other responsibilities. Don’t forget to schedule time to have fun and socialize. Just make sure you don’t overextend yourself and forget the main reason why you are at college to get a degree!

Make a motivational playlist
Music can motivate you. There are songs that can inspire you to believe in yourself more and keep pushing towards your goals if you’re feeling discouraged. Thus, take some time to think about the songs that motivate you. Then, create a playlist so that you can access them quickly whenever you need them.

Find a hobby
College can be stressful at times. Finding a hobby is a way to relieve some of the stress and an excellent way to practice self-care. There are tons of free and low-cost hobbies that are perfect for college students. Search online or ask around to find out where the activities take place.